His Strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Cor 12:9

Today I wasn't very hungry. I ate my normal 2 meals and felt severely stuffed. My stomach felt horribe for most of the day after drinking an apple cider vingear and water drink. I used to use those drinks as energy pick-me ups but I didn't have any maple syrup (which usually helps me bear the taste). I drank it anyway, convinced that I needed it. It might have helped by eliminating my hunger because I felt nauseous, which has never happened for such a long period of time. But, by God's grace I was able to muster the strength to still work out and felt a bit better. My lesson for tomorrow is that I would do well to limit my food intake and maybe I should try the acv again.


blessed1 said...

I haven't worked out today. It is so obvious that I have energy when I workout and don't when I don't workout. Go figure! So I Pray I make time for me and workout today cause I'm important too!

Natasha said...

I second that. Getting a consistent plan will defintely help us to fight off the temptation not to work out because we don't feel like it.

blessed1 said...

I eat what I want. How many times have you heard a skinny person say that? Well my truth to that statement is this, i do eat what I want, but what I want has changed. I no longer eat dessert instead of my meal. My mom orders her dessert and eats it first then her meal. I used to be like that. Sugar, sugar, sugar.....then I realized how sweet I am already and don't need all that extra. I let go of that sugar and now I don't even crave it. It comes very rarely and when it does I have something. I don't deny myself, so I eat what I want. The other responsibility of that is, my stomach has shrunk, so I don't eat that much of it. I eat til i'm satisfied, not til I'm full. I feels good to go against the grain for once and like it. This battle is God's, and I'm a soldier in it. I will be victorious in Jesus name. Amen.

blessed1 said...

I bought a Dairy Queen dilly bar last night. Its still in the freezer. I wanted it but lost the craving for it. Anyhow, I'm sure I'll eat it before it freezer burns.....lol

Natasha said...

Say no to Dairy Queen! lol

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