If any woman will come after me, let her deny herself. Matthew 16:24

For me, self is the Final frontier. During the past two weeks, I have been excited about working out. But since my exercise routine varies with my emotional state, I don't have to mention that that excitement had dwindled and I have been inconsistent. My friend has tried to text me or encourage me to blog to keep me focused on my goals but alas, I haven't been able to muster the emotional energy to push myself through.

WHY OH WHY is being consistent in exercise this difficult? My eating habits aren't too bad. I am vegetarian/sometimes vegan and I love eating healthy food (that tastes good). But actually, I have a fridge full of fresh fruit and vegetables and yet for the past two days I have been living off of cooked and fried foods, albeit healthy-type foods. OK, so it's clear that I've got work to do.

Tonight I started. I pushed myself out of my slump, denied my desire to crawl into bed and pretend that I will double up on my exercise tomorrow and I did it! I did only about 20 minutes of intense weight training. But my objective is not to do so much exercise that I tire of it when I reach my goal but to do just enough to help me achieve my goals while making it a natural and effortless part of my lifestyle. I am in my 30s now, so if I don't make this a habit soon, I fear it will never happen.

I am encouraged by the fact that I am drinking more water and eating less. Tomorrow I plan to do come Cardio at the gym and eat some of the fresh food in my fridge.

I am on my way, I just have to practice denying self and I believe that I can do it.


blessed1 said...

I am as many women are. i tend to be emotional. i do things out of emotion instead of what is logical. I would like to be more vulcan (species from star trek) but they are the other extreme showing no emotion and only doing what is logical.
I would eat out of emotion. Then do nothing but lay around the house out of emotion. Now with my renewed spirit i read my bible and exercise. I feel so good after I'm done working out. It feels so wonderful to have a healthy outlet. My stress lessens as I work out and I'm creating new methods of coping. I'm blessed.

blessed1 said...

I did my workout late tonight. I finished an hour ago. I did 30 min. of a high intensity workout. Its actually fun. I am at day 4 of my consistant daily workout. I know it takes 21 days to create a habit. So I am shooting for that and beyond. I don't hear from my friend whom I started this with very often. She is a busy woman, but we all are at times. I pray she thinks of herself enough to set aside that exercise time and do it daily. I haven't been perfect in creating my healthy habit as well. I did the same thing in the first 2 weeks. I'd eat well but only managed to work out about 4 times in that period, maybe 5 times. Anyhow, I want her to see that this isn't a chore. Its about loving yourself. I've loved so strongly others in my life that I forgot about myself and had nothing left to give myself. I couldn't even do anything for myself cause I had no desire or thought about myself. Now something has changed. I am loving God more and myself. I want this for me, to look and feel better, GREAT even. And I want this for my Christian wall. I want to boost about what God has brought me through. I realized that I am an addict to food. I had to tell myself that when I'd think about the bad foods, I had to find something to do like exercise or else I'd dwell on it til I ate it and all of it. A row of cookies or a pint of ice cream, even a half box of cereal. I treat myself like a recovering addict. I love myself enough to not let food hurt me and take away my life. I love my son enough to want to really be able to go outside and run and play with him. I love God enough to want to represent Him inside and OUT! Amen.

blessed1 said...

Had a type error in the above posted comment....I said wall instead of walk in reference to: "And I want this for my Christian wall." my Christian walk is what I meant. Goodnight all, I'm peacing out and heading to bed.

Anonymous said...

This week has been one long struggle with self-denial and actually I chose not to struggle very much. So if self wanted to eat an entire pizza on a holiday because it was a holiday than that is what self did. If self didn't feel like doing exercise although I had more than enough time to, then self just didn't do. So actually it was more of a week of self-indulgence then anything and I am wondering when and how God is going to give me the strength to get back on track?

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