The fear of the Lord prolongs life. Prov. 10:27 NASB

I think so many people have become comfortable living their lives as if there were no God. Our society has made it convenient for us to do our own things, or do what feels good, or live to selfishly please ourselves. But fearing the Lord, recognizing that my body is not my own and that I must develop a healthy respect and love for my creator in which I treat my temple according to his laws is essential for my holistic development

One famed writer says, "We should cooperate with God in the care of our bodies. Love for God is essential for life and health. Faith in God is essential for health. In order to have perfect health, our hearts must be filled with love and hope and joy in the Lord" (White, 1952, ML 149.7).

I vividly recall when I began my Christian journey about 11 years ago. My desire to love and obey God was supreme and I took to him my desire to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. In a short time I went from a size 16 to 10 and maintained that size for two and a half years, until I allowed personal choices to cause separation between myself and God.

Years later, after many failed attempts of trying in my own strength but not really surrendering to God's power and authority in my life, my weight is up and I feel desperate for God to help me regain my relationship with him and overcome my struggle for spiritual, emotional and physical health. I believe he can but I must begin to trust that he will.

As I begin this journey, with a long time friend, who has a similar goal, albeit a different journey, I am confident that since God started this work in us, he will complete it. I also believe, that two are better than one, for if one falls, she can be helped up.

I don't plan on falling but I know that if I do, I will only stumble in my upward trek to become the kind of person that can attract others to God by the way I look and live.


blessed1 said...

I had a failed attempt yesterday since I didn't workout and I ate like 3 different things before going to bed. What is the problem, I'll tell you, I don't acknowledge God in ALL that I do. I don't regularly include Him in my life and I'm guilty of saying I'll pray a lot more often then i'm actually praying.....Wow! Gots to get it together!!!!!

Natasha said...

Indeed, I have been on the on again off again program - which translates to few pounds lost and few victories won. God has to help us go the distance.

blessed1 said...

Nothing beats failures to death more than trying. So even though I had only worked out 4 times in a 2 week period. I had to recommit myself. I did on 8/22/09. So track my progress from there. So far this month I've lost 10 lbs. and kept it off so far. I've worked out consistantly since the 22nd. Everyday, whether its as soon as I get up, during my day, or before bed, I make sure I get my workout on. I haven't gone past a 30 to 50min workout yet. I'm trying to get to not only doing my 30-50min DVD but also being my active in life period. My inner skinny is dying to attempt to climb a big tall rock, ride a bike for miles, and run a marathon. So mark my words and rejoice with me when I tell you where I'm at with my weightloss goal and when I say I've done these things! I started at 260 lbs. and I'm now 250 lbs. since we started blogging. I have a goal to get to a healthy me that no longer has borderline high cholesterol and can do all the activity my heart desires. I love doing outdoors activities. I have an active spirit. I like to be competitive with sports. So what ever size or weight I get too is ok with me if I am able to do everything I want to and am not at risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, or cholesterol. A healthier me, is a happier me. When I shine, the world feels it, cause I share myself and give of myself more positively. I'm not living right now, just existing, and that isn't cutting it anymore. I refuse to just only exist!

Natasha said...

I love it. My inner skinny is craving to wear a bathing suit on a beach, with no celluite! We will get there girl!

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